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mardi 14 avril 2015

الرجاء ضد سطيف... 180 دقيقة للعبور

قمة مغاربية بين الرجاء و الوفاق ...

يشد الصراع ليصل بالرجاء لماقاة جاره الوفاق، الفريق الأخضر الذي هزم كايزر شيفس جنوب الإفريقي ذهابا ب هدف لصفر و إيابا ب هدفين مقابل لا شيء وقعها النيجيري كريستيان أوزاكونا.
وفاق سطيف تعادل مع ريال بانغول الغامبي ذهابا بهدف لمثله، ليتأهل على حسابه بعد تفوق الوفاق إيابا ب هدفين لصفر.
مركب محمد الخامس بالدار البيضاء سيكون مسرحا لهذه القمة، الرجاء بكامل عناصره سيدخل هذه المقابلة و عينه أولا على عدم تلقي أهداف من الوفاق، و تانيا على تسجيل أكبر عدد من الأهداف الشيء الذي سيخول له لعب مباراة الإياب بارتياح كبير... أما سطيف فستكون محروما من خدمات نجمه و مهاجمه الأول عند المالك زياية، فسيحاول الخروج بأقل الخسائر ولم لا تسجيل هدف سيعطيه الإمتياز لا محالة في مباراة الإياب.
أما جمهور الرجاء و الذي عودنا في كل المناسبات على رسم أجمل اللوحات، كيف لا وهو الجمهور المعروف عالميا بوفائه و بعلاقة العشق الدامي التي تجمعه بالفريق، فستكون مهمته الأولى هذه المرة الضغط على لاعبي الفريق الخصم، و تشجيع فريقه 90 دقيقة كالعادة .

بقلم نبيل حمامة 

عادل الكاروشي : أخلاق، مستوى عالي، تضحية في الميدان ...

......عادل الكاروشي لاعب بمواصفات الكبار
لا يختلف إثنان في كون الكاروشي يعد من بين أفضل لاعبي الرجاء، إذا لم يكن أفضلهم. عادل بتفانيه بإصراره بتضحيته و بحبه لقميص الرجاء، أصبح مطلع هذا الموسم صانعا للفرجة التي غابت عن الفريق، أصبح القائد الحقيقي للخضراء و إن كان بنلمعلم من يحمل شارة العمادة. 
إنتقل عادل للرجاء قبل سنتين بين مؤيد و معارض للصفقة، نظرا لتقدمه في السن، فبعد أول مباراة أسكت صاحب اليسارية المدوية كل منتقديه، بهدف رائع في شباك أتلتيك بيلباو، بعدما راوغ تلاثة لاعبين سدد الكرة لتستقر في الجانب الأيسر لمرمى الحارس الإسباني.
الجهة اليسرى للرجاء بعد رحيل الزروالي إلى دار البقاء، كانت تعاني. فتناوب على شغلها كل من أولحاج ( مدافع أوسط) و رشيد السليماني ( مدافع أيمن )، ولإعطاء كل دي حق حقه، فبعد توقيع الكاروشي أحسسنا بأمان واضح في هذا الجانب من الملعب.
عادل الكاروشي، بشخصية، بحبه و إخلاصه للقميص الأخضر، وبالكاريزمة التي يملكها على المستطيل الأخضر،  هو من يستحق حمل شارة العمادة وإن لم يكن إبن الفريق، في ظل  عدم توفر أولحاج على الشخصية التي يمكنها قيادة الفريق إلى بر الأمان، و عدم إنضباط العميد الحالي للرجاء أخلاقيا أو حتى داخل رقعة الملعب، دفع البعض إلى إطلاق لقب السيبة و التسيب عليه . 
عادل الكاروشي صاحب الرقم 21، يستحق عن جدارة شارة العمادة 

بقلم نبيل حمامة 

lundi 13 avril 2015

How to win money from the site Etoro easily by copying...

Etoro company is profit company by the first electronic trading in the world today (and brokerage company in the stock market) holds several awards prizes. And licensed from several international banks, institutions and government institutions Party (Ltd and CIF and MiFID and CySEC under No. 109/10). See also to the form of their link in the image of this green link is a link to give it the global Internet network with government licenses for financial companies. And therefore no need for more talk about the credibility of this company because it is a foregone conclusion.
Personally my winnings in this company accounts for about 25% of the total monthly Mdjuli from the Internet. This is only because I began in the field of stock trading by less than a year and I still invest in it in the range of hundreds of dollars only. Because life expenses and I can not keep many thousands of dollars to invest. But I've worked hard to achieve this.
For those who did not have any idea of ​​the profit from stock trading Such companies, called the brokers which has existed for nearly a century before the emergence of the Internet. Which companies play the role of mediator between people and between global stock exchanges as well as local versus part of the percent of subscribers profits (etoro company takes only 1% of the profits). Today, all of these speculative companies operate across the Internet the old traditional methods, which were limited to wealthy investors instead.
This kind of more interested in companies that make you win because the profit or not depends on the profit you or not. So they are available on all the mechanisms that will help you achieve the maximum amount of profit that the greater your earnings increased profits.
I would like to point out that this area is not a free-for-profit, but requires the employment of capital. The minimum required to fill in your etoro to start trading is $ 50 while the minimum Payouts is only $ 20.
What distinguishes etoro company is very low minimum investment in which you can buy a very small per share of the shares of a company which is part of $ 10. The company is also characterized by easily work in because it is a social site of the type of social trading networks. And this kind of speculative companies are only appropriate for beginners who do not have any knowledge or experience in the field of trading. In this company you can trade very small amounts of them win a simple profit and gain experience gradually to become ready for circulation amounts medium and large sums of money after professionalism. You can also keep track of all the participants at the site (about 4 million subscribers) and imitating what they are doing. No you will not find yourself alone and stranded there!
Whenever entered into the company of companies offering their shares for sale file There you will find an area underneath the comments and dialogues Members who are from the same country is the closest country to country. You'll find discussions, suggestions and tips. You only need to do what they agreed upon by the largest number of people at the right time. You can also follow the professional and successful tradition there and what they do simply. This is what I do personally, I have no knowledge of the field of economics and I did not days to buy or sell shares, but when I see a professional did it by minutes or hours. Thankfully always in constant profit.
I like to add that their site is available on the integrated localization makes impressive use it accessible to anyone not fluent in Arabic English
Is the company decided to experiment? Nick through Rabotta if you want:
After registration go to openbook and press complete your profile in your profile data must fill out all about yourself, you will be asked to raise the image of the ID card. Are required to put a picture of both interfaces. It does not matter that are united in a single image or two lifts each one for a cladding.
After registration you can recharge with money whenever you want.
That was the first to fill it is the amount of the $ 200 you will get $ 100 extra gift immediately automatically. As you fill that less than $ 200 will not get any gift. I advise you not to miss the chance to win gift Many people with obsessive (like me émoticône smile regretted not to mobilize the full $ 200 in the account after registration. A gift you get when you first mobilization process only!
Nick through Rabotta if you want
Frequently asked questions:
+ How do I fill out the money in my account?
You can mobilize money by paypal / webmoney / skrill / neteller or directly by the bank to accept a credit card payment over the internet money you get from one of the banks in the country. Or you can get them for free from payoneer
(I recommend using the bank skrill in dealing with etoro Click here for more information)
+ How do I'll get Berbahi?
Whenever I arrived profits to $ 20 you can request withdrawn by a electronic banks that I mentioned, or by bank transfer, credit card or bank accepts receiving money from the Internet (you can use payoneer card to withdraw profits).
But when your capital in the company up to $ 20,000 and you have become a gold membership will send you a private company credit card you can withdraw the money through ATMs in the country directly from your company without the need for any intermediary.
+ What is the meaning shares?
It is known that there are many varieties of commercial companies, the best known and most common is the '' joint stock companies ''. From here came the name of '' shares '' (stock) means a financial contribution to the capital of joint stock companies that are part of its capital or all capital consists of contributions of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, you become one of them and of course the ending your contribution as soon as you sell the shares and then return contributor visits Others in the company as soon as you buy new shares in the same company.
+ Remember me some names of those companies that I can buy and sell shares through etoro!
apple, google, facebook, microsoft, twitter, Nike, pepsi, mcdonald's, coca-
cola, western union, adidas and hundreds of other companies ...
This is for stock trading (stocks) there are other types of trading in etoro such as currency and oil and precious metals trading and is not considered shares.
Do you decided to experience this area through etoro site? Nick through Rabotta if you want and you'll get a $ 100 gift that was the first amount you fill it is $ 200. Of course the mobilization of money you can do after the registration and spend days browsing the site and study and learn about the Arabs ... Members are not required to mobilize money immediately after registration.
If not you are able to mobilize $ 200, you can fill in any amount less than $ 50 to the borders but in this case will miss your chance to get an extra $ 100 to invest
Do not forget that there is a fake site and copy a (demo or practice mode) you can learn from trading and even mobilize money.
I have been here for any inquiry
Good luck

What is Adfly? Earn money easily with Adfly! With Adfly earn you money Ave.

Adfly is a very convenient way to earn money quickly (and easily) on the web, but a good tutorial new members often remain unclear and are content with small amounts (EUR1 to 2EUR per day).

So with a little technical knowledge and can easily get to the modest sum of 50EUR per day just with Adfly!

And the best is that with Adfly your income is passive income, that is to say that you do not need to work for the money to come home.

Confused? Do not hesitate, this tutorial is for you.
With Adfly earn you money with your links

Firstly what qu'Adfly?

Adfly is primarily a link shortening service. This is very important because many people think qu'Adfly is simply an advertising agency like many others and only offers ways to make money, this is not the case.
At a time when social networks are becoming increasingly important in our daily interactions with the web, it is important to be able to easily shorten links to instantly publish to social networks, blogs and forums.
URL shorteners but there are full, why choose Adfly?
Yes, there are many URL shorteners. But Adfly is the only link shortening service that pays you for every click.
Adfly does not just provide you a free link shortening service, Adfly pays you (and generously) every time you use it.
This is the only difference between a standard and Adfly URL shortener.
With so Bitly generate 100 clicks my links, I earn 0EUR.With Adfly if my links generate 100 clicks, I earn between 5EUR and 20EUR about.
So convinced? Here's our tutorial to start making money with Adfly.

In this part we will see what happens during the registration Adfly.
Click here to subscribe to Adfly a few easy steps.

-Go to the registration page Adfly

 -  Enter your information and click
the "Join" button
- That's it, you now
Adfly an account!
Now you can start making money with your links.

II. Earn money with Adfly:
It's nice, but how does it work and especially how can we make money with this advertising?

Do not worry, we'll see it right away.
Enter without delay into the thick of it.
Adfly pays you each time a visitor clicks on one of your Adfly links, so you need to first of all create Adfly links for people to click on it.

Here's how.

     Select a link shortening, any (or by

Go to member area page Adfly
     Enter the non-shortened link in the field where he wrote there "Shorten a link"
     Click "Shrink"

There you go! You have shortened your first link Adfly, remember to copy and share up on the web.

Whenever a user clicks this link will visit you will gain a few cents, Adfly usually pays between and 0,05EUR 0,30EUR per click.

An example of my winnings (the name has been erased)Inscription sur adfly

III. Trucs et astuces pour les gains Adfly

Hep hep hep, where are you going like that?

How? You thought the tutorial on Adfly was over now that you know how to register, create links and be remunerated with Adfly?

Most writers would stop here, you wish you good luck and ask kindly share their Adfly tutorial on social networks (which you can do here too;)).

 Here are some tips to put in place to maximize your gains on Adfly governance.

1. Post your Adfly links on your Facebook page!

Facebook is visited by millions of people around the world while you only need a few hundred clicks to get rich on Adfly.

2. Mail your links Adfly on Twitter!

Many people use link shortening service on Twitter because of the limit of 140 characters per tweet, so why not be paid using Adfly?

3. Post your Adfly links in blog comments!

Why backlinker directly from your site blog comments as:

1) Google do not like it (since Panda)
2) The links are nofollow anyway?

Use Adfly is one stone two birds seen qu'Adfly "protect" your site retaliatory Google, and the more you get paid.

4. Post your Adfly links on forums

If you actively participate in a forum, please include a link in your signature Adfly.

5. Offer downloading files

Probably one of the best ways to get clicks on your links Adfly is to offer free download files on your website or blog. Who can resist cats wallpapers?

6. Post your Adfly links on Youtube

When you upload videos to Youtube you can leave a link in the description of the video, this is a great opportunity to place a link Adfly.
So much for this complete tutorial on Adfly governance.

By applying the tips presented here, it is believed easily reach 50EUR per day in passive income.

Obviously there is no silver bullet to make money without working, so even with Adfly some effort must be provided at the beginning and after revenues fall alone.

And do not forget the golden rule with Adfly or any other direction: no spam.

Do not post quality content that otherwise the visitors will have enough of your links and no longer will click.

In terms of payments Adfly fully reverse your monthly and no minimum balance Paypalou via Payoneer.

We advise you to choose the payoneer payment solution to receive your money.

The inscription on Payoneer is 100% free and you will also receive your free prepaid Mastercard early in the 25 days following registration.
Cliquez sur ce lien pour vous s'inscrire :  ↓ Registration Page Payoneer

The Prepaid MasterCard works like any other MasterCard. The card is accepted all over the world, in all the places where MasterCard Debit is accepted. You can use it in stores for shopping online or in stores. You can also use MasterCard in ATMs worldwide to withdraw money. With the added security of choosing your own PIN, you can rest assured that no one will use the card without your permission.